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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Keep Track and Look Back

Do you save your workout schedules? First of all, do you even HAVE a workout schedule? If you don’t, you should. It’s a great way to compare one year to the next because if you notice changes in your body, frame of mind, fitness level, you can see what changes you’ve made that are or are not working.

If you do maintain a schedule, do you look back to see what you were doing at this point in your training a year ago? I did just that the other day.

Boston training 2011: This time last year. Highest mileage for Boston 2011 maxed out at 55 miles.This was the first time I incorporated speed work into my training. I suffered quite a few aches and pains during the course of 16 weeks.

Monday: 11.35 6 miles on the treadmill. 5.35 outside.

Tuesday: 8.02 5 miles easy on the mill. 3 miles outside.

Wednesday: 7.05 Should have done a Tempo run, but wasn’t feeling it, so ran easy.

Thursday: 1.35 Quick run to take Shane out before leaving for SC for the Half Marathon.

Friday: 4.34 Spasms in leg. Pain in side.

Saturday: 16.25 (Warm up plus the race) Dasani Half Marathon


Philadelphia training: About 9 weeks to go before the race. Highest mileage for Philadelphia 2011 maxed out at 59 miles. Speed training sessions were done on the treadmill so I added more races to my schedule. The result was race burnout and no excitement whatsoever when it was time to run the marathon.

Monday: 11:69 miles, treadmill.

Tuesday: 5.38 miles. Ran for 51 minutes.

Wednesday: 10 miles. Ran for 93 minutes.

Thursday: 5.25 ran and walked.

Friday: 17.03 miles. 9 miles on T/M at MP pace. Finished the run outside.

Saturday and Sunday: Off TOTAL FOR WEEK: 49

BOSTON TRAINING 2012, last week (this week will be very similar). Highest mileage goal for 2012 Boston Marathon will be 70 miles. I don’t know what will happen this year. I’m trying to do speed work which is again, done on the treadmill and I’m only doing 1 to 2 races before Boston, a half marathon and a 10K.

Monday: 10.13 miles. Speed work, 10 min w/u + 6 x 5 min. repeats w/ 1 min recovery + 4 outside.

Tuesday: 12.20 miles. 3mile w/u on the mill and 9.2 miles outside

Wednesday: 7.18 miles. Split w/o: 3.5 on t/m + weights and 3.68 outside.

Thursday: 11.00 miles. Speed work, 1 mile w/u +6 at MP +1 c/d + 3 outside easy.

Friday: 4.11 miles Easy run. Whatever the body felt like doing.

Saturday: 20.01 miles.

Sunday: OFF TOTAL FOR WEEK: 64.63

I realize speed work is important for running a faster race, but the aches and pains set in HARD when I do speed work. I try to get 2 days per week at a faster pace with the intention of running on tired legs as well as building to higher mileage in this year’s training program. I’m still not sure what kind of training is right for me so I allow myself the following goals:

1. Cross the finish line feeling good.

2. Run without injury, before, during, and after Boston.

3. Set a new marathon PR of ANY amount of time. I’ll even take one second if that’s all my body will allow but deep down, in all that grey matter, I’m hoping for about 15 minutes faster.

Dream, believe, work hard, do the best you can.

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